Textbook Details

International Business: Opportunities and Challenges in a Flattening World v4.0
- By:
- Sanjyot P. Dunung and Mason A. Carpenter
- Published:
- February 2023
- Discipline:
- General Business Textbooks
- ISBN (Digital):
- 978-1-4533-3839-1
Brief Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Globalization, International Trade, and Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 3: World Economies
Chapter 4: Economic Cooperation
Chapter 5: Impact of Culture on Business
Chapter 6: Global Talent, Leadership, and Diversity
Chapter 7: International Finance
Chapter 8: Foreign Exchange
Chapter 9: International Accounting
Chapter 10: International Expansion
Chapter 11: Entry Modes: Exporting, Importing, and Global Sourcing
Chapter 12: Global Strategy, Formulation, and Implementation
Chapter 13: Global Entrepreneurship
Chapter 14: Global Operations
Chapter 15: Global Marketing, Distribution, and Supply-Chain Management