Textbook Details

- By:
- James Brusseau
- Published:
- February 2018
- Discipline:
- Philosophy Textbooks
- ISBN (Digital):
- 978-1-4533-8736-8
Brief Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What Is Ethics?
Chapter 2: Theories of Duties and Rights: Traditional Tools for Making Decisions When the Means Justify the Ends
Chapter 3: Theories of Consequence Ethics: Traditional Tools for Making Decisions when the Ends Justify the Means
Chapter 4: Theories Responding to the Challenge of Cultural Relativism
Chapter 5: Freedom and Responsibility
Chapter 6: Crime, Punishment, and Social Control
Chapter 7: Religions, Convictions, and Families
Chapter 8: Abortion
Chapter 9: War, Peace, and Ethics
Chapter 10: Terrorism, Response, and Ethics
Chapter 11: Discrimination, Victimization, and Affirmative Action
Chapter 12: Individuals, Collectives, Wealth Distribution, and Social Justice
Chapter 13: Advertising, Desire, Consumerism, and Consumers
Chapter 14: Privacy and Identity in Big Data Reality
Chapter 15: Corporations and Social Responsibility
Chapter 16: Ethics and the Environment
Chapter 17: Ethics and Animals