Additions & Errata
Section 2.1, under "Neuroglia Cells," changed "diseases" to "conditions" in last sentence of the third paragraph.
Section 5.1, the Author's Notes were updated to reflect the current content at the links provided.
Section 5.5, the word "considered" was added before "good" for clarity in the second paragraph of the discussion on "Francis Galton and the Beginning of Eugenics."
Section 11.1, the definition of "behavioral endocrinology" was corrected to read "An area of research interested in studying how behaviors or experiences affect and are affected by hormones. This change was made in the supplements for this chapter as well.
Section 11.2, Figure 11.5 was corrected to read "Wolffian system develops into the vas deferens, epididymis, and seminal vesicles." This change was made in the supplements for this chapter as well.
Section 3.2, Figure 3.5 was corrected to read “K+ channels” in two instances. Affected supplements were also addressed.
Section 3.4, subhead “Neurotransmitter Types” was corrected. Affected supplements were also addressed.
Section 5.1, changed "monogenetic" to "monogenic" in three places in this section: Figure 5.2 title, definition of "phenylketonuria," and in the "Mendelian Genetics" section. The corresponding TIF has been updated and new LMS files produced.
Section 9.5, Key Takeaway point changed term "agonist" to "antagonist": "It states this in the key takeaways: Sleep-inhibiting drugs are typically stimulants or drugs that release hypocretin, such as modafinil, or are antagonists to adenosine, such as caffeine."
Section 4.1, in Step 5 under "Scientific Method," "interna" was corrected to "internal" in the discussion of "internal validity."
Section 4.3, the broken "NOVA, New Way of Seeing the Brain," link from PBS was fixed.
Section 4.5, under “Deep Brain Stimulation,” first paragraph, changed to read, ". . . which enables the neurons to be stimulated without causing them damage" rather than “with causing.”
Section 5.2, under “Personal Genetic Testing,” first paragraph, changed to read “where your ancestors originated or information about health” rather than “are information.”
Section 11.1, first paragraph, “circularity” system was corrected to “circulatory.”
Section 12.3, under “Physiological Response to Stress,” first paragraph, in the definition of “slow stress response,” fixed the spelling of “pituitary.”
Section 13.2, replaced Nova ScienceNow “A Memorable Snail” video link with updated working link.
Section 16.2, under “Cause of Cell Death in Alzheimer’s Disease,” first paragraph, in the definition of “neurofibrillary tangles,” removed errant comma between “neuron” and “death."
Section 3.5: Broken video link was replaced with the new "How Brains See" link.
Section 1.4:
The second to last sentence in the paragraph under “The Foundation of Other Disciplines” was corrected to the following: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) increases a child’s risk for experiencing a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and about 30% of children that are diagnosed with ADHD had received a TBI sometime in their life (Eme, 2012; Karic et al., Nigg et al., 2010).
Section 1.6:
Two new references were added for Eme, R. (2021) and Karic, S. et al (2019).
Note: The updated Figure 2.4 has also been added to the Chapter 2 PowerPoint file.
Section 2.1: Figure 2.4 art was corrected. The label in the third column was changed to "Pseudouniploar Neuron" from "Uniploar Neuron".
Section 2.1: Under the "Neurons" section, the term "telodendria" was added in parentheses after the key term "terminal branches".
Section 5.3: Under the "Behavioral Genetics" section, the definition of "dizygotic (DZ) twins" was corrected to read ". . . more more related than brothers . . ."
Section 9.2: Figure 9.5 art was corrected. The numbers for DELTA were changed to "0.5 – 3.5".
Note: The updated Figure 3.2 has also been added to the Chapter 3 PowerPoint file.
Section 3.1: Figure 3.2 art was corrected. Previously the electrons showed positive charges but the art has been corrected so that they show negative charges.
Section 15.3, "Depression Theories and Treatments" video updated to new video titled "The Science of Depression":
Section 16.7, "Study Finds Heading a Soccer Ball Causes Immediate Head Trauma" video updated to new video title "Science Talk: Frequent "Heading" in Soccer Can Lead to Brain Injury and Cognitive Impairment":