Jeremy Short University of North Texas - Denton
Jeremy Short (PhD Louisiana State University) is the G. Brint Ryan Chair in Entrepreneurship at the University of North Texas. His research examines crowdfunding and the drivers of business performance in both entrepreneurial and larger firms. Jeremy’s teaching expertise was recognized with the Regent’s Award for Superior Teaching when he was on faculty at the University of Oklahoma. Jeremy has also written several traditional and unorthodox low-cost textbooks including a graphic novel focusing on management and entrepreneurship (Atlas Black: The Complete Adventure), as well as a graphic novel focusing on franchising and family business (Tales of Garcón: The Franchise Players). Jeremy was inducted as a Southern Management Association Fellow on several factors, including the publication of more than 100 articles and book chapters in such journals as Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Organization Science, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Academy of Management Learning and Education, and Journal of Business Venturing. His work has also been featured in media outlets such as CNBC, Forbes, Scientific American Mind, The Wall Street Journal, BizEd, Franchise Times, Tulsa World, and The Oklahoman. Jeremy also served as editor for several leading journals including Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Organizational Research Methods, and Family Business Review.