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Newer Version Available
Cover of Human Resource Management v3.1
June 2020
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ISBN (Digital): 

Human Resource Management

Version 3.1
By Laura Portolese

Key Features

  • Includes COVID-19 Updates.
  • Over 220 hyperlinks to videos and webpages enrich online courses, engage students, and reinforce or augment many of the presented topics.
  • Each chapter includes a self-assessment, self-quiz, or other reflective opportunities to develop better self-understanding.
  • Grounding in how the “real-world” workplace actually functions, rather than presenting theoretical or ideal situations.
  • Special emphasis on communication in a full chapter (Chapter 9: Successful Employee Communication) and information about motivational theories (Chapter 7: Retention and Motivation).
  • Supportive learning features in each chapter:
  • An opening case illustrates a situation related to the chapter’s topics.
  • Learning objectives preview the chapter and help focus the reader’s attention.
  • Section exercises help develop critical thinking skills.
  • “How Would You Handle This?” feature encourages development of critical thinking skills to better resolve unexpected situations.
  • Chapter-ending case studies bring workplace situations and collaborative learning to life.


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Human Resource Management is suitable for courses called human resource management, people management, or personnel taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels in two- and four-year colleges and universities.  

Human Resource Management is structured to provide the necessary academic background information about managing people resources while also lending valuable insights from a practitioner’s perspective that encompasses both large and small businesses.


New in This Version

  • Version 3.1 includes new information in response to COVID-19 including ensuring the safety of workers; cost containment; coordinating with employees working remotely, often for the first time; video meetings, interviews, and onboarding; building crisis teams; and disseminating effective communications to help employees feel informed and connected to the organization.
  • Version 3.1 includes a new Appendix covering the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)’s  Body of Competency and Knowledge called SHRM BoCK and Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI)’s body of knowledge called HRBOK.


  • Reflects the recent updates in Version 3.0
    • A self-assessment/self-quiz has been added to each chapter. This allows students to reflect more deeply on the material and the skills need for HRM.
    • Updated coverage of healthcare.
    • Examples now focus on a variety of industries and business sizes.
    • Greater focus on talent management and human capital ideologies. 
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Instructor’s Manual

Instructor’s Manual

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PowerPoint Lecture Notes

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

A PowerPoint presentation highlighting key learning objectives and the main concepts for each chapter are available for you to use in your classroom. You can either cut and paste sections or use the presentation as a whole.

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Laura Portolese Central Washington University

Laura Portolese (Doctorate, Argosy University) is Professor of Information Technology and Administrative Management in the College of Education and Professional Studies at Central Washington University. Laura is the author or co-author of four books with FlatWorld (Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, and The Art of Leadership and Supervision). Laura also holds an MBA from City University and a Doctorate of Business Administration from Argosy University. Laura is a prolific researcher, with publications focused in the areas of curriculum development and best practices in online learning. She has a Graduate Online Teacher Certificate from Central Washington University and a certificate from Oregon State University in E-learning Instructional Design and Development. Before beginning her academic career, Laura worked for several organizations in management and operations. She is also an entrepreneur who has performed consulting work for companies such as Microsoft.

Additions & Errata

  • Table 4.2 updated (print page 117).
  • Fixed a misdirecting link in the Self-Assessment in Chapter 3.2. (1/26/23)
  • Adjusted the spelling of "Weingarten" (was previously Weigngarten) in Chapter 10.2. (1/26/23)
  • Adjusted the number of appraisal methods in Chapter 11.3 from "three" to "four" to align with the text. (1/26/23)
  • Added "Free" to "The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)" in Chapter 14.2. (1/26/23)
  • Under the Compensation and Rewards section in Chapter 14.4, "Four groups of expenses" was adjusted to "Five" to align with the text. (1/26/23)
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