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Cover of Learn to Program Using Swift for iOS Development v3.0
November 2018
ISBN (Digital): 

Learn to Program Using Swift for iOS Development

Version 3.0
By John Gallaugher

Included Supplements

Key Features

  • Introduces core programming concepts.
  • Covers core iOS concepts.
  • Encourages self-directed learning for a variety of classroom types.
  • Continuous high-value annual updates, including adding new exercises and additional content to keep this book up-to-date, fresh and exciting.
  • Customizable.

Gallaugher’s textbook breaks down the learning barriers for app creation with a hands-on, video-centered approach. Learn to Program is intended to excite new-to-programming students in non-technical programs of study and will have them building fully functional apps by mid-semester. Students will gain an introduction to core programming and iOS concepts. Version 3.0 has been updated for Swift 4.2, Xcode 10, and iPhone X-series form factor.

New in This Version

  • New and improved apps that provide learning examples that bring students from zero-programming background through Swift programming fundamentals and core iOS development techniques. These include the SWAPI app, showing how to load paged JSON data while scrolling, and the Snacktacular app, which is a full-blown social app similar to Yelp and TripAdvisor, supporting Muti-user shared login via Google ID/Password, data that is saved and pushed out to all users in real-time using Google’s Cloud Firestore service, location plotting on a Map, image saving and sharing, and more. In a single class your students can go from zero to full-stack developers!
  • Even more Reference content, including animated .gifs, improved graphics, and links to code that can be copied and pasted from GitHub’s .gist.
  • A section introducing Git and GitHub, as integrated into Xcode for source control.
  • Updated and expanded lecture videos that account for changes in Swift 4.2 (especially in generating random numbers), Xcode 10, and a continuation of the earlier version’s work in prepping apps for the form factor introduced beginning with iPhone X.
  • Additional exercises, roughly half of which have video solutions to power even greater student learning and to help faculty provide a better learning environment.
  • An updated and improved set of instructor slides, useful for faculty regardless of format: flipped classroom, blended, or traditional lecture.
  • Expanded and refined student quizzes at the end of each chapter, plus mid-term tests and final exams, along with answer keys and suggested grading rubrics.
  • Continued access to “beta” content that includes updates, corrections, additional videos, and even more learning resources, posted while they are being developed.

Chapter 2: The “You Are Awesome” App

Chapter 7: The "WeatherGift" App

Chapter 9: The "Snacktacular" App

Other Supplements

Other Supplements

Solutions manuals, sample exams, video learning segments, workbooks, cases and lab manuals are just some of the extras our books will offer depending on the needs of the course. Click here to see what this textbook offers.

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John Gallaugher Boston College

John Gallaugher (PhD Syracuse University School of Management) is the founder of the Boston College TechTrek field study programs, and as an advisor to multiple successful student entrepreneurs, John has had unprecedented access to the world’s leading technology and tech investment firms. An award-winning educator and author, John has been named a "Distinguished Educator" by Apple Inc., a "Most Popular Professor" by Bloomberg Businessweek, and “Guru to Grads” by Entrepreneur Magazine. He has also received the Boston College Trzaska Faculty Leadership Award, the all-university Boston College Teaching Award, the Carroll School of Management Teaching Award, and the student newspaper’s Momentum Award for campus impact. His bestselling textbook Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology has been used at over 450 universities worldwide, and has twice won the Textbook and Academic Authors' Association "Texty" award for excellence. John has taught on five continents and has led field study experiences in Seattle, San Francisco/Silicon Valley, Boston, New York, Dublin, Ghana, and Sydney. John’s research has been published in leading journals including the MIS Quarterly and Harvard Business Review, and he has consulted for leading organizations including Apple Inc., Accenture, ING, Partners Healthcare, State Street, and the U.S. Information Agency, among others. John has worked extensively with student entrepreneurs and has seen several former students gain admittance to elite accelerators (Y-Combinator, TechStars, MassChallenge), raise capital, and build thriving businesses, with some garnering unicorn ($1 billion plus) valuations. His comments on Business and Technology have appeared in several media outlets, including The New York Times, BusinessWeek, The Associated Press, National Public Radio, and Wired. One of the rare academics who teaches managerial as well as software and hardware programming courses, you can find hundreds of "flipped learning" and project videos at: John holds both a BA in Computer Science and an MBA from Boston College, and a PhD in Information Systems from the Syracuse University School of Management. He occasionally publishes on Substack ( and is also active on social media—having left X for Threads: @john.gallaugher.

Additions & Errata

Building apps is a tricky process—involving several components from various developers. Three changes have happened since v3.0 was published. The changes are easy to deal with, and a note to anyone using the text, including step-by-step instructions, is now at:

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