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Cover of Organizational Communication: Theory, Research, and Practice v2.0
July 2023
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Organizational Communication: Theory, Research, and Practice

Version 2.0
By Jason S. Wrench, Narissra Punyanunt-Carter, and Mark Ward Sr.

Key Features

  • Organized around three key constructs
    • Theory. Covers the major approaches and theories on organizational and workplace communication, from classical to modern and from quantitative to interpretive and critical
    • Research. Each chapter is grounded in the established literature learners should know, but also reflects new advances in organizational communication research
    • Practice. Students are shown how to apply what they learn in workplace situations that other books often omit, such as leadership and followership, groups and teams, internal and external communication, impacts of technology, communication ethics, work-life balance, and the dark side of toxic workplaces
  • Unique Chapter 13 “The Dark Side of Corporate Communication” sheds light on negative impacts of organizational communication
  • Unique Chapter 15 “The Professional Side of Corporate Communication” covers applied approaches to organizational communication
  • Over 59 embedded hyperlinks to videos and webpages to enrich online and hybrid courses
  • Supportive learning elements in each chapter:
    • “Learning Objectives” at the beginning of each main section preview the material to come and prepare students to learn
    • “Key Terms” help students understand and become comfortable with important vocabulary and phrasing
    • “Key Takeaways” at the end of every main section reflect that section’s opening Learning Objectives and summarize new information while it is still fresh to enhance retention
    • “Exercises” at the end of every main section encourage students to apply what they have just learned
    • “Chapter Exercises” at the end of every chapter provide additional opportunities to apply and critically analyze chapter material using a “Real-World Case Study” and “End-of-Chapter Assessment”  


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Organizational Communication: Theory, Research, and Practice is suitable for courses called Introduction to Organizational Communication, Organizational Communication, and Business and Professional Communication or similar titles taught at the undergraduate or graduate levels at four-year colleges and universities.

Organizational Communication: Theory, Research, and Practice explores the major theories and approaches related to organizational and workplace communication; is grounded in established and recent research; and highlights practical, real-world applications. By understanding and applying workplace communication dynamics, rather than simply reacting to others’ words and actions, students develop the professional toolkit they need to take control of their own careers and work relationships.


New in This Version

  • FlatWorld Homework for the first time
  • Updated to reflect the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Associations
  • Fully updated research base
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Instructor’s Manual

Instructor’s Manual

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PowerPoint Lecture Notes

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

A PowerPoint presentation highlighting key learning objectives and the main concepts for each chapter are available for you to use in your classroom. You can either cut and paste sections or use the presentation as a whole.

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Jason S. Wrench State University of New York at New Paltz

Jason S. Wrench (Ed.D., West Virginia University) is an associate professor in the Communication and Media department at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Dr. Wrench specializes in workplace learning and performance, or the intersection of instructional communication and organizational communication. His varied research interests include communibiology, computer-mediated communication, empirical research methods, humor, risk/crisis communication, and supervisor-subordinate interactions. Dr. Wrench regularly consults with individuals and organizations on workplace communication and as a professional speech coach for senior executives. Dr. Wrench has published five previous books: Intercultural Communication: Power in Context, Communication, Affect, and Learning in the Classroom (2000, Tapestry Press), Principles of Public Speaking (2003, The College Network), Human Communication in Everyday Life: Explanations and Applications (2008, Allyn & Bacon), Quantitative Research Methods for Communication: A Hands-On Approach (2008, Oxford University Press), and The Directory of Communication Related Mental Measures (Summer 2010, National Communication Association), among others. Dr. Wrench was the editor of the Ohio Communication Journal from 2005– 2007, and has served as an associate editor for Communication Research Reports from 2007– 2010. Furthermore, Dr. Wrench has published over 30 research articles that have appeared in various journals: Communication Quarterly, Communication Research Reports, Education, Human Communication, Journal of Homosexuality, Journal of Intercultural Communication, Southern Communication Journal, The Source: A Journal of Education, and The NACADA Journal (National Association of Campus Advising). Many of his writings are available on his website at

Narissra Punyanunt-Carter Texas Tech University

Narissra Maria Punyanunt-Carter (Ph.D., Kent State University, 2002) is an associate professor in the department of communication studies at Texas Tech University. Narissra teaches interpersonal communication, gender, nonverbal, and romantic relationships. Dr. Punyanunt-Carter's research interests include romantic relationships, computer-mediated communication, father-daughter communication, and mass media portrayals of romance. She has published many articles, which have been featured in Southern Communication Journal, Howard Journal of Communication, Communication Research Reports, and Communication Quarterly.

Mark Ward Sr. University of Houston-Victoria

Mark Ward Sr. (PhD, Clemson University, 2010) is a professor of communication at the University of Houston-Victoria. His ethnographic research on religious communication and media has been published in more than forty scholarly articles and essays. These works are cited for their innovative applications of organizational communication theory to analyze congregational cultures.

His seven books include the multivolume series The Electronic Church in the Digital Age (2016, Praeger), which received the Clifford G. Christians Ethics Research Award, Introduction to Public Speaking: An Inductive Approach (2022, FlatWorld), and most recently God Talk: The Problem of Divine-Human Communication (2023, Peter Lang). His book Inside Evangelicalism: The Culture of Conservative White Christianity (Lexington Books) is forthcoming. He is the originator and author of Speech Codes Theory Proposition 8.

Dr. Ward is a winner of the David R. Maines Narrative Research Award, Digital Religion Research Award, and multiple Article of the Year awards from the Religious Communication Association. In 2022 he was named Outstanding Scholar in Communication Theory by the Southern States Communication Association and in 2018 named his institution’s scholar of the year. Currently he serves on National Communication Association Legislative Assembly, Religious Communication Association Executive Council, and the editorial boards of the Journal of Communication and Religion, Journal of Media and Religion, and Women & Language.

Before entering academe, Dr. Ward was communications director and journal editor for several national nonprofit organizations. As an independent writer he has authored more than 2,000 feature articles for national trade and professional magazines, and as a broadcaster his experience ranges from local radio announcer and deejay to national program syndication and voice talent.

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