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Newer Version Available
Cover of Human Relations v1.0
September 2012
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ISBN (Digital): 

Human Relations

Version 1.0
By Laura Portolese

Included Supplements

Key Features

Teaching Human Relations? Adopt this college textbook as is or personalize it online at Flat World. Change chapter titles, move content with ease, and delight in how much less your students pay. We publish peer-reviewed textbooks by expert authors. You make them perfect for your course.


Online Access Price:  $33.95 Color Printed Textbook with Online Access Price:  $60.95
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Human Relations

Laura Portolese

Laura Portolese’ goals in writing Human Relations were simple:

      • Provide a solid baseline of issues students will deal with in their careers on a day-to-day basis
      • Help students understand the importance of the human side of their career.

This textbook is suitable for these courses: Human Relations

This textbook is suitable for 2 and 4-year institutions.



This book’s easy-to-understand language and tone is written to convey practical information in an engaging way. Every chapter opens with a realistic example which introduces a concept to be explained in detail later.


Each chapter contains relevant examples, YouTube videos, figures, learning objectives, key takeaways, exercises, and a chapter-ending case that offer different ways to promote learning.


Many of the end-of-section exercises offer self-assessment quizzes, so students may engage in self-understanding and development.


The Flat World Knowledge publishing model allows instructors to adapt the textbook to the exact needs of their specific class and student body.

See how easy it is to customize a textbook in this 4 minute demo: Flat World Editing Platform Video Demo

Instructor’s Manual

Instructor’s Manual

The Instructor’s Manual guides you through the main concepts of each chapter and important elements such as learning objectives, key terms, and key takeaways. Can include answers to chapter exercises, group activity suggestions, and discussion questions.

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

A PowerPoint presentation highlighting key learning objectives and the main concepts for each chapter are available for you to use in your classroom. You can either cut and paste sections or use the presentation as a whole.

Test Item File

Test Item File

Need assistance in supplementing your quizzes and tests? Our test-item files (in Word format) contain many multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short-answer questions.

At FlatWorld, we take pride in providing a range of high-quality supplements alongside our titles, to help instructors teach effectively. Supplements are available for instructors who have registered their adoption with us. If you need to review or preview something specific, please contact us.

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Laura Portolese Central Washington University

Laura Portolese (Doctorate, Argosy University) is Professor of Information Technology and Administrative Management in the College of Education and Professional Studies at Central Washington University. Laura is the author or co-author of four books with FlatWorld (Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, and The Art of Leadership and Supervision). Laura also holds an MBA from City University and a Doctorate of Business Administration from Argosy University. Laura is a prolific researcher, with publications focused in the areas of curriculum development and best practices in online learning. She has a Graduate Online Teacher Certificate from Central Washington University and a certificate from Oregon State University in E-learning Instructional Design and Development. Before beginning her academic career, Laura worked for several organizations in management and operations. She is also an entrepreneur who has performed consulting work for companies such as Microsoft.

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