International Business: Opportunities and Challenges in a Flattening World
Version 4.0
By Sanjyot P. Dunung and Mason A. Carpenter
Included Supplements
Key Features
- Cornerstone themes of strategy, culture, and entrepreneurship
- Strategy is defined as competition and competitive advantage, while entrepreneurship is seen as creating new opportunities where none previously existed
- Culture is defined by geographic and demographic criteria. It impacts how businesses enter and operate in global markets and with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders. Consequently, it is essential for students today to understand the impact of culture on business objectives and operations
- Entrepreneurship discussions recognize that many organizations increasingly conduct at least some of their business across borders. For students who are budding entrepreneurs, understanding international business fundamentals expands their entrepreneurial mindset, preparing them to start a business or think more creatively and competitively within an established organization
- The narrative is organized around answers to key questions—what, where, why and how of international business
- Written in a reader-friendly style that concisely covers all the necessary topics and with a focus on the practical application of knowledge
- Extensively updated to reflect ongoing geopolitical changes and the impact on global businesses, including but not limited to China, Hong Kong, Brexit, the Russian Federation, and Venezuela. Learners need to understand how geopolitical issues can impact strategy, operations, supply chains, and much more.
- Blended academic and practitioner perspectives integrate recognized research with real-world, practical examples and discussions.
Supportive learning structure
- “What’s In It for Me?” in the form of questions that orient and engage learners
- “Opening Case” with exercises provides a compelling, real-world-based scenario based on the chapter discussions that follow
- “Learning Objectives” preview each main head section and help focus the reader’s attention
- “Did You Know?” provides context and additional insights about various cultures or business practices
- “Focus” and “Spotlight” provide additional details and background about key facts or topics
- “Key Takeaways” and “Exercises” at the end of each main head section help students consolidate the material just learned
- “Amusing Anecdote” offers high-interest examples of global business situations, marketing snafus, and other mistakes coupled with related key international business facts
- “Ethics in Action” presents typical ethical issues that arise in international businesses
- “ToolKit Tips” outline specific and practical suggestions to enhance entrepreneurial, professional, and strategic skills
- End-of-chapter exercises based on AACSB learning standards describe experiential exercises and pose ethical dilemmas. Answer guidelines are provided in the instructor’s manual
- Online Access Price
- $33.95
- Color Printed Textbook with Online Access Price
- $60.95
International Business: Opportunities and Challenges in a Flattening World is suitable for courses called International Business, Global Business, Multinational Business or similar titles taught at the undergraduate and MBA levels at both two- and four-year colleges and universities.
This book is written from the perspective that national borders are bridges and not barriers. Cornerstone themes of strategy, organizational and local cultures, and entrepreneurship support the authors’ overall goals to develop deeper understanding of international contexts, the wealth of global opportunities available, and the practical applications of theory, ideas, and learning principles. Engaging learning features provide additional details about key topics or describe real-world situations that require student analysis and promote creative thinking. As a result, learners are better prepared to launch, run, and productively contribute to any organization that is global in scope—or domestic companies that are wrestling with global competition.
New in This Version
- Updated to reflect the ongoing impact of the global pandemic, including supply chain challenges, business operations, strategic and scenario planning, and management.
- New and refreshed examples of businesses of all sizes, stages, and from across all regions of the world
- Integrated additional local cultural insights from all regions and the practical applications for global professionals and firms
- About the Authors
- Acknowledgments
- Dedications
- Preface
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Globalization, International Trade, and Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 3: World Economies
Chapter 4: Economic Cooperation
Chapter 5: Impact of Culture on Business
Chapter 6: Global Talent, Leadership, and Diversity
Chapter 7: International Finance
Chapter 8: Foreign Exchange
Chapter 9: International Accounting
Chapter 10: International Expansion
Chapter 11: Entry Modes: Exporting, Importing, and Global Sourcing
Chapter 12: Global Strategy, Formulation, and Implementation
Chapter 13: Global Entrepreneurship
Chapter 14: Global Operations
Chapter 15: Global Marketing, Distribution, and Supply-Chain Management

FlatWorld Homework
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Instructor’s Manual
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PowerPoint Lecture Notes
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