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June 2023
Page Count
ISBN (Digital)

Nutrition Basics: An Active Approach

Version 3.0
By Maureen Zimmerman, Mary Elizabeth Snow, and Jennifer K. Frediani

Included Supplements

Key Features

  • Initial chapters explore the relationship between nutrition and health, how to evaluate information to dispel myths, and digestion (Chapters 1–3)
  • Consistently presents discussions of disorders related to key macronutrients (Chapters 4–6)
  • Core chapters are organized by physiological function (rather than by micronutrient) so faculty can assign whole chapters at time (Chapters 7–10). This structure enhances learning and retention, especially for non-majors
  • Requires little or no prior knowledge of college-level chemistry, biology, or physiology
  • Strong basis in rigorous scientific research that is presented in clear, easy-to-understand explanations and examples
  • Focused on sustainable food behaviors that take the environment and local economies into account when making food choices
  • Over 240 hyperlinks to videos and webpages enrich online courses, engage students, and reinforce or augment many of the presented topics
  • Supportive learning elements in each chapter:
    • “Big Idea” and “You Decide” features provide a brief preview of every chapter’s main topic while stimulating critical analysis and application to everyday issues
    • “Key Terms” help students understand and become comfortable with important terminology
    • “Learning Objectives” at the beginning of each main section preview the material to come and prepare students to learn
    • “Interactive” features provide links to useful online learning tools
    • “Key Takeaways” at the end of every main section summarize new information while it is still fresh and encourage retention
    • “Discussion Starters” at the end of every main section prompt individual reflection and group interaction
    • “End-of-Chapter Exercises” reinforce what has been learned and help develop critical thinking skills. The three types of exercises are “It’s Your Turn”; “Apply It”; and “Expand Your Knowledge”.
    • Answer guidelines for all exercises are in the instructor’s manual


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Nutrition Basics: An Active Approach is suitable for courses called Introduction to Nutrition, Personal Nutrition, or similar titles that cover basic information about food, food choices, and health. This course is generally taught at the undergraduate level at most two- and four-year colleges and universities. The book is appropriate for students who are not majoring in nutrition, but it could be taken as a prerequisite to professional health degrees in nursing and medicine.

Nutrition Basics: An Active Approach is a basic overview of nutrition that explores the relationship between nutrition and physiology. Students will receive a “behind the scenes” examination of health and disease in the body, while examining some popular myths about nutrition. The authors discuss how to develop a foundation for making smart dietary choices as they discuss relevant topics such as dietary guidelines, nutrient density, the impact of nutrients on all aspects of health, and more.

New in This Version

  • Reflects the most current nutrition guidelines (USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020–2025 and Healthy People 2030)
  • Reflects a weight neutral approach to nutrition. The revised focus is on enjoying all types of foods, including nutrient dense foods, without an eye on the weight scale (Chapter 11)
  • Significantly streamlined throughout to present topics more concisely
  • Specific focus on updating references older than five years. Integrates the most important new research advances about micro- and macronutrients (Chapters 4–10)
  • Significantly revised photo program reflects increased diversity including ethnicity, age, and body size
  • Improved explanation and illustration of calcium homeostasis (Section 9.2)
  • New coverage of “Health at Every Size” and weight-loss research (Section 11.3)
  • Significantly updated discussions of policy relating to nutrition (Chapter 14)
  • Greater emphasis on food insecurity (Section 14.3)
  • Impact of climate change on the food industry (Section 14.1)
  • Update on the next farm bill (Section 14.2)
  • Deeper global perspective (Section 14.4)
  • Practical advice for making healthy food choices (Section 15.1), optimal exercise (Section 15.2), and preventing chronic disease (Section 15.3)
  • Introduction to holistic nutrition and update to diet trends (Section 15.1)

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Instructor’s Manual

The Instructor’s Manual guides you through the main concepts of each chapter and important elements such as learning objectives, key terms, and key takeaways. Can include answers to chapter exercises, group activity suggestions, and discussion questions.

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PowerPoint Lecture Notes

A PowerPoint presentation highlighting key learning objectives and the main concepts for each chapter are available for you to use in your classroom. You can either cut and paste sections or use the presentation as a whole.

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Maureen Zimmerman

Maureen Zimmerman

Mesa Community College

Maureen Zimmerman (EdD Northern Arizona University) is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) who recently retired from Mesa Community College where she was former Department Chair of Design, Family and Consumer Sciences and of Applied Science. Maureen earned her undergraduate degree in nutrition and dietetics at Arizona State University, a master's degree in public health from the University of Hawaii, and a doctorate in educational leadership, with a specialization in educational research, from Northern Arizona University. Passionately and assiduously, Maureen ensured her students not only learned, but that they also enjoyed learning—and developed intellectual habits to sustain them throughout their lives. She fostered active engagement and nurtured the unique skills, experiences, and knowledge each student brought to the learning community. Maureen’s food-first philosophy is summed up in this statement: “Enjoy real food, enjoy it with others, and enjoy it in just the right amounts.”

Mary Elizabeth Snow

Mary Elizabeth Snow

University of British Columbia

Beth Snow (PhD University of British Columbia) is a Credentialed Evaluator who works as a Scientist and the Head of Evaluation at the Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences (CHOS) in Vancouver, Canada, a Clinical Assistant Professor in the School of Population & Public Health at the University of British Columbia, and an instructor at the Justice Institute of British Columbia. She earned a BSc with honors in biochemistry from McMaster University, a MSc in human biology and nutritional sciences from the University of Guelph, a MBA from the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia, and a PhD in human nutrition from the University of British Columbia. Beth’s doctoral research focused on the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the developing fetal skeleton, and she has published in many academic journals. Following the successful completion of her doctoral program, Beth spent two years working at the British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, where she ran an interdisciplinary research training program, and then five years as an Evaluation Specialist in Public Health in Greater Vancouver, BC, Canada. Beth’s teaching philosophy involves empowering students to take ownership of their own learning. She uses active learning techniques and encourages students to apply what they learn to real life. In addition to her busy career, Beth is an avid weightlifter and recreational hockey player, and a true foodie who always makes time to cook and share good food.

Jennifer K. Frediani

Jennifer K. Frediani

Emory University

Jennifer K. Frediani (PhD Emory University) is Assistant Professor, Research Track in the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, adjunct faculty at the Rollins School of Public Health, Nutrition and Health Sciences Program, and a member of the Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University. She earned a bachelor’s degree in dietetics and nutrition (with honors) from Georgia State University, completed her dietetic internship through Utah State University, a master’s degree in exercise science from Georgia State University, and a PhD in nutrition science from Emory University. Jennifer’s doctoral research focused on body composition and dietary assessment in tuberculosis patients living in the Republic of Georgia, and she has published in journals such as Nature Scientific Reports, New England Journal of Medicine, Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, and Clinical Nutrition. Jennifer is also a registered dietitian and Certified Exercise Specialist. After earning her doctorate, Jennifer completed a two-year teaching fellowship at Emory College of Arts and Sciences. Her teaching philosophy focuses on a student-centered learning environment. She believes students learn best when they are actively engaged in their own learning through discovery and purposefully designs her courses to be accessible to all learners. Next, she completed a two-year post-doctoral research fellowship in pediatric hepatology, where she studied nutritional aspects of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Jennifer’s current research involves nutrition and exercise lifestyle interventions using weight neutral approaches to improve health outcomes related to cardiometabolic diseases, metabolomics, dietary and exercise assessments, and clinical trial operations. Jennifer wholeheartedly supports enjoying food that makes you feel good at any given moment and feels everyone should have the opportunity to experience this joy of living without stigma.

Additions & Errata


Chapter 4 Intro: Figure 4.1 image and alt text updated.



Section 12.3: "ALA" was corrected to "ARA" in last cell of the right column of Table 12.3.
