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Newer Version Available
Cover of Mastering Strategic Management v1.1
January 2015
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Mastering Strategic Management

Version 1.1
By Dave Ketchen and Jeremy Short

Included Supplements

Key Features

Adopt this college textbook as is or personalize it online at Flat World. Change chapter titles, move content with ease, and delight in how much less your students pay. We publish peer-reviewed textbooks by expert authors. You make them perfect for your course. This is a comprehensive Strategic Management text which includes a wide range of pedagogical aids to keep students engaged and instructors on track.


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Mastering Strategic Management, v. 1.1


Dave Ketchen and Jeremy Short



Each chapter now includes one or more “Research Roundups.” A brief paragraph is used to summarize the findings of cutting-edge business research and to explain the implications of the findings.


Each chapter now includes one or more “Small Business Spotlights.” Here we focus on small businesses that have devised unique innovations in order to succeed. This material helps students understand how small firms can make a big impact.


Keeping a textbook current is essential. Each chapter in this new edition features updated cases and fresh examples. All material has been thoroughly reviewed by the authors and other leading academics to ensure that students have the most current and relevant knowledge.

In writing Mastering Strategic Management, the authors' goals were clear and simple:

  • Enhance student engagement in strategic management courses.
  • Create a better teaching experience for professors.

This textbook is suitable for these courses: Strategic Management

This textbook is suitable for 2 and 4 year institutions.



It is well documented that many of today’s students are visual learners. Therefore, this textbook contains multiple graphic concept pages in every section of every chapter of the book. Think of graphic concept pages as almost like infographics for key concepts in each section. This feature sets Mastering Strategic Management apart from any strategic management book on the market today.


Utilizing well-known, currently operating corporations such as Apple helps students harness the conceptual coverage of the chapter in a relatable application for students.


This feature, in each chapter, links course concepts with a popular motion picture. In Chapter 1, for example, the authors describe how “The Social Network” illustrates intended, emergent, and realized strategies.


The Flat World Knowledge publishing model allows instructors to adapt the textbook to the exact needs of their specific class and student body.

See how easy it is to customize a textbook in this 4 minute demo: Flat World Editing Platform Video Demo

Instructor’s Manual

Instructor’s Manual

The Instructor’s Manual guides you through the main concepts of each chapter and important elements such as learning objectives, key terms, and key takeaways. Can include answers to chapter exercises, group activity suggestions, and discussion questions.

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

A PowerPoint presentation highlighting key learning objectives and the main concepts for each chapter are available for you to use in your classroom. You can either cut and paste sections or use the presentation as a whole.

Test Generator

Test Generator

Prefer printable tests? Download our test generator and start creating printable tests today! We offer a test generator for both PC and Mac users.

Test Bank Files for Import to Learning Management Systems

Test Bank Files for Import to Learning Management Systems

For your convenience, we've packaged our test items for easy import into Learning Management Systems like Blackboard, Brightspace/D2L, Canvas, Moodle, or Respondus.

Test Item File

Test Item File

Need assistance in supplementing your quizzes and tests? Our test-item files (in Word format) contain many multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short-answer questions.

At FlatWorld, we take pride in providing a range of high-quality supplements alongside our titles, to help instructors teach effectively. Supplements are available for instructors who have registered their adoption with us. If you need to review or preview something specific, please contact us.

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Dave Ketchen Auburn University

Dave Ketchen serves as Harbert Eminent Scholar and Professor of Management at Auburn University. An award-winning educator, Ketchen teaches courses in Strategic Management, Principles of Management, Franchising, and the Business of Brewing. His research interests include strategic management, entrepreneurship, research methods, and strategic supply-chain management. He has published more than one hundred eighty articles in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, and Strategic Management Journal. He has served on thirteen editorial boards, including those of Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of Management Studies. He has served as associate editor for eight journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, and Organizational Research Methods. Ketchen serves on the board of directors for the Why Not Win Institute, has acted as an expert witness, and has assisted a variety of private- and public-sector entities with strategic planning. He is the former chair of the board of directors for Alabama Launchpad (a statewide startup competition) and served on the Steering Committee for the Michelin Development–East Alabama (an entity that provided low-interest loans to fuel job creation). He has written for the Wall Street Journal, The Hill, The Conversation, and other leading outlets for business insights.

Jeremy Short University of North Texas - Denton

Jeremy Short (PhD Louisiana State University) is the G. Brint Ryan Chair in Entrepreneurship at the University of North Texas. His research examines crowdfunding and the drivers of business performance in both entrepreneurial and larger firms. Jeremy’s teaching expertise was recognized with the Regent’s Award for Superior Teaching when he was on faculty at the University of Oklahoma. Jeremy has also written several traditional and unorthodox low-cost textbooks including a graphic novel focusing on management and entrepreneurship (Atlas Black: The Complete Adventure), as well as a graphic novel focusing on franchising and family business (Tales of Garcón: The Franchise Players). Jeremy was inducted as a Southern Management Association Fellow on several factors, including the publication of more than 100 articles and book chapters in such journals as Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Organization Science, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Academy of Management Learning and Education, and Journal of Business Venturing. His work has also been featured in media outlets such as CNBC, Forbes, Scientific American Mind, The Wall Street Journal, BizEd, Franchise Times, Tulsa World, and The Oklahoman. Jeremy also served as editor for several leading journals including Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Organizational Research Methods, and Family Business Review

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