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September 2020
Page Count
ISBN (Digital)

Principles of Macroeconomics

Version 9.0
By John B. Taylor and Akila Weerapana

Included Supplements

Key Features

  • Over 45 hyperlinks to videos, some of which feature John Taylor, and webpages to enrich online courses, engage students, and reinforce or augment many of the presented topics.
  • Employs several economic models to structure the presentation of key principles: Supply and Demand (Ch. 3), Spending Allocation (Ch. 7), Labor Market (Ch. 8), Quantity Theory of Money (Ch. 10), Spending Balance (Ch. 11), and Economic Fluctuations (Ch. 13).
  • Stimulating vignettes begin each chapter and resonate with readers.
  • Crisp, clean, and conversational writing style holds students' interest.
  • Quickly establishes clear understandings of fundamental topics such as competitive markets, equilibrium and market efficiency, and the policy implications of business cycles.
  • Clear and well-crafted graphs, tables, and summaries make it easy to read and understand key data.
  • Chapter-end reading assignments based on real-life cases are contemporary and compelling.
  • Carefully selected, revised, and tested problems at the end of every chapter are grounded in real-world situations.
  • Definitions of key terms appear in the margins and are hyperlinked online.
  • Customizable.


Online Access Price
$36.95 ($53.21 CAD)
Color Printed Textbook with Online Access Price
$63.95 ($92.09 CAD)
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Principles of Macroeconomics is suitable for introductory macroeconomics courses usually called principles of macroeconomics, macroeconomics principles, introductory macroeconomics, or similar titles, taught primarily at the undergraduate level at two- and four-year colleges and universities. The course may also be taught at the MBA level. This full-length volume encompasses only macroeconomics chapters and would typically be used in a semester- or quarter-long course. Separate volumes of this book titled Principles of Economics (covering both microeconomics and macroeconomics) and Principles of Microeconomics are also available.

Principles of Macroeconomics is co-written by two acclaimed teachers, one of whom is a globally recognized policy expert and eminent scholar. This highly regarded textbook features a remarkably accessible presentation grounded in the central idea of economics: that people make purposeful choices with scarce resources and interact with others when they make these choices. This engaging text provides simple and precise descriptions of why markets are efficient when the incentives are right and inefficient when the incentives are wrong. In addition to their impeccable credentials, both authors possess recent and extensive classroom-based experiences, which gives rise to authentic real-world examples that enliven the book’s narrative and readily connect with students.

New in This Version

Many graphs are hyperlinked to the underlying Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) source. Students can easily link to the most updated data for these graphs and become familiar with manipulating data from the Federal Reserve. 

Key updates include:

  • Can AI and machine learning improve resource allocations? (Ch. 1)
  • Netflix pricing and demand elasticity. (Ch. 4)
  • Updated economic data includes increasingly positive economic data prior to 2020, initial recessionary impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as reflected in first- and second-quarter economic data, and fluctuations in labor market strength. (Ch. 5–7)
  • New coverage of cryptocurrencies, Venezuela’s hyperinflation, negative interest rates, and Fed tapering. (Ch. 10)
  • Fully revised discussion of post-2016 recovery following the Great Recession and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the recovery. (Ch. 11)
  • New discussion of why inflation was absent from the Great Recession’s recovery—and what considerations might be missing from economic models as a result. (Ch. 13)
  • Tax discussions updated to align with Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017. (Ch. 14)
  • Updated discussion of the Fed’s balance sheet normalization and unwinding of quantitative easing (QE) from 2017–2019. Coverage of renewed growth of the Fed’s balance sheet in response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and prospects for eventual unwinding. New coverage of negative interest rates in Sweden and Switzerland. (Ch. 15)
  • Explains the switch from poverty-alleviation goals from Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals. China’s Belt and Road initiatives that propel that country to a global leader in funding development projects. (Ch. 17)
  • Explores the Trump Administration’s trade policies and their impacts, including the USMCA’s replacement of NAFTA, the brewing trade war with China, and how import tariffs impact U.S. consumers. (Ch. 18)
  • Updates specific to the COVID-19 pandemic throughout include:
    • New boxed feature on “The Price System During National Disasters.” (Section 1.3)
    • Clear illustration of differences between correlation and causation using impact of the pandemic on gas prices and miles traveled. (Section 2.2)
    • Ventilators and impact of demand on pricing. (Ch. 3 Introduction)
    • Price elasticity of supply for scarce goods in a crisis. (Section 4.4)
    • General economic turmoil induced by early reactions to the pandemic including economic slowdown, increase in unemployment, recessionary impact, and initial monetary and fiscal policy responses. (Ch. 5 Introduction, Section 5.2–5.3)
    • The pandemic’s impact on unemployment. (Ch. 8 Introduction)
    • The pandemic’s impact on labor markets. (Section 8.1)
    • Fed interventions and a new round of quantitative easing (QE). (Section 10.2)
    • The pandemic-induced recession and its potential duration. (Ch. 11 Introduction and Section 11.1)
    • Passage and impact of CARES Act. (Ch. 12 Introduction)
    • Unexpected transition to the pandemic-induced recession and using the model to analyze the policy response. (Ch. 13 Introduction and Section 13.5)
    • Impact of policy responses to the pandemic on the national debt and differing policy views on the right mix of fiscal interventions (Section 14.1 and 14.2)
    • The Fed’s response to the pandemic, new balance sheet expansion, a return to zero interest rate policy, security purchases, and “Main Street” lending program. (Ch. 15 Introduction, Sections 15.1–15.3 and 15.5)
    • Global economic shocks caused by the pandemic. (Ch. 17 Introduction)
    • National security-based trade restrictions on supply chains for personal protective equipment (PPE) in a health crisis (Section 18.7)

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John B. Taylor

John B. Taylor

Stanford University

John B. Taylor (PhD Stanford University) is one of the field’s most inspiring teachers. As the Raymond Professor of Economics at Stanford University, his distinctive instructional methods have made him a legend among introductory economics students and have won him both the Hoagland and Rhodes prizes for teaching excellence. Professor Taylor is also widely recognized for his research on the foundations of modern monetary theory and policy. One of his well-known research contributions is a rule—now widely called the Taylor Rule—used at central banks around the world. Taylor has had an active career in public service, including a four-year stint as the head of the International Affairs division at the United States Treasury, where he had responsibility for currency policy, international debt, and oversight of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and worked closely with leaders and policymakers from countries throughout the world. He has also served as economic adviser to the governor of California, to the U.S. Congressional Budget Office, and to the President of the United States and has served on several boards and as a consultant to private industry. Professor Taylor began his career at Princeton, where he graduated with highest honors in economics. He then received his PhD from Stanford and taught at Columbia, Yale, and Princeton before returning to Stanford.

Akila Weerapana

Akila Weerapana

Wellesley College

Akila Weerapana (PhD Stanford) is a Professor of Economics at Wellesley College. He was born and raised in Sri Lanka and came to the United States to do his undergraduate work at Oberlin College, where he earned a B.A. with highest honors in Economics and Computer Science in 1994. He received his PhD in Economics from Stanford in 1999, writing his dissertation on monetary economics under the mentorship of John Taylor. Since then, Professor Weerapana has taught in the Economics Department at Wellesley College. His teaching interests span all levels of the department’s curriculum, including introductory and intermediate macroeconomics, international finance, monetary economics, and mathematical economics. He was awarded Wellesley’s Pinanski Prize for Excellence in Teaching in 2002. He also enjoys working with thesis students. In addition to teaching, Professor Weerapana has research interests in macroeconomics, specifically in the areas of monetary economics, international finance, and political economy.

Additions & Errata

Changes made on 2/22/21:

Section 7.1:

Figure 7.2, text in figure was changed from NX/Y to X/Y.

Section 7.4:

Equation just before Figure 7.11, text in figure was changed from NX/Y to X/Y.

Equation just before Review, text in figure was changed from NX/Y to X/Y.

Section 7.5:

Problems, #2, text in figure was changed from NX/Y to X/Y.

Section 10.2:

Table 10.3, added cross reference to Table 10.2 in caption of this table.

Section 10.3:

First paragraph, updated reference to become cross reference to a previous section: “Early in this chapter, in Chapter 10, Section 1.2 “Commodity Money”, we showed that . . .”

Changes made on 9/2/21:

Section 13.5, Figure 13.11 was corrected.

Section 14.3, Figure 14.13 was corrected.

Section 15.4, Table 15.2 updated for clarity.

Section 18.4, Figure 18.6, caption was corrected to read “Regardless of the size of the market, cost per unit declines as the number of firms increases” rather than “firms decline.”


Change made 8/9/22:

Figure 2.7 updated to reflect correct axis (y=Physical examinations and x= Number of doctors).
