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Newer Version Available
Cover of Personal Finance v1.0
January 2010
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Personal Finance

Version 1.0
By Rachel S. Siegel and Carol Yacht

Included Supplements

Key Features

Adopt this college textbook as is or personalize it online at Flat World. Change chapter titles, move content with ease, and delight in how much less your students pay. We publish peer-reviewed textbooks by expert authors. You make them perfect for your course.This is a comprehensive Personal Finance text which includes a wide range of pedagogical aids to keep students engaged and instructors on track.


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Personal Finance, v. 1.0

Rachel Siegel and Carol Yacht

In writing Personal Finance, Rachel Siegel and Carol Yacht’s goals were clear and simple:

    • To help students develop a strong sense of financial literacy
    • To provide a wide range of pedagogical aids to keep students engaged and instructors on track.

    Rachel would love to hear from you. If you have questions about teaching with her book, comments about teaching Personal Finance, or just feedback, feel free to email her here at

    This textbook is suitable for these courses: Personal Finance

    This textbook is suitable for 2 and 4 year institutions.


      • The headings, summaries, reviews and problems all link together via the learning objectives. This helps instructors teach what they want and assign problems that correspond to the learning objectives covered in class.

      • Personal Finance includes personal finance planning problems with links to solutions and application exercises, with links to their associated worksheet(s) or spreadsheet(s).

      • In addition, the text boasts a large number of links to videos, podcasts, experts’ tips or blogs, and magazine articles to illustrate the practical applications for concepts covered in the text.

      • Finally, the modular nature of the chapters lends itself to the Flat World Knowledge publishing model allowing instructors to adapt the textbook to the exact needs of their specific class and student body.

Instructor’s Manual

Instructor’s Manual

The Instructor’s Manual guides you through the main concepts of each chapter and important elements such as learning objectives, key terms, and key takeaways. Can include answers to chapter exercises, group activity suggestions, and discussion questions.

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

A PowerPoint presentation highlighting key learning objectives and the main concepts for each chapter are available for you to use in your classroom. You can either cut and paste sections or use the presentation as a whole.

Test Generator

Test Generator

Prefer printable tests? Download our test generator and start creating printable tests today! We offer a test generator for both PC and Mac users.

Test Bank Files for Import to Learning Management Systems

Test Bank Files for Import to Learning Management Systems

For your convenience, we've packaged our test items for easy import into Learning Management Systems like Blackboard, Brightspace/D2L, Canvas, Moodle, or Respondus.

Test Item File

Test Item File

Need assistance in supplementing your quizzes and tests? Our test-item files (in Word format) contain many multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short-answer questions.

At FlatWorld, we take pride in providing a range of high-quality supplements alongside our titles, to help instructors teach effectively. Supplements are available for instructors who have registered their adoption with us. If you need to review or preview something specific, please contact us.

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Rachel S. Siegel Northern Vermont University

Rachel S. Siegel (MBA Yale University, CFA) was a professor of finance, economics, and accounting at Vermont State University from 1990–2016. She has also taught as an adjunct faculty member at Trinity College (Vermont), Granite State College (New Hampshire), Springfield College (Massachusetts), the University of Vermont, and in Tel Aviv, Israel, for Champlain College. Rachel has been a consultant to the CFA Institute on exam development, data forensics, and curricula, and has consulted on various exam prep courses in finance. She has also developed a freelance career as a financial editor and writer, for both investment firms and academics. Her column “Follow the Money” has been a regular feature of the Northstar Monthly since 2001. Originally from Providence, Rhode Island, Rachel now lives in Barnet, Vermont.

Carol Yacht Software Consultant

Carol Yacht is a textbook author and accounting educator. Carol contributes regularly to professional journals and is the Accounting Section Editor for Business Education Forum, a publication of the National Business Education Association. She is the author of Dynamics-GP (Great Plains), Peachtree, Microsoft Office Accounting, QuickBooks, and Excel textbooks; and the accounting textbook supplement, Carol Yacht’s General Ledger and Peachtree CD-ROMs ( Carol taught on the faculties of California State University, Los Angeles; West Los Angeles College; Yavapai College; and Beverly Hills High School. Since 1978, Carol has included software in her classes to help students master accounting. Carol Yacht is an officer of the American Accounting Association’s Two-Year College section and recipient of its Lifetime Achievement Award. She is a member of the Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Advisory Council; served on NBEA’s Computer Education Task Force; worked for IBM Corporation as an education instruction specialist; and is a frequent speaker at state, regional, and national conventions. Carol earned her MA degree from California State University, Los Angeles; BS degree from the University of New Mexico, and AS degree from Temple University.

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