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July 2024
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ISBN (Digital)

Health Now: An Integrative Approach to Personal Health

Version 4.0
By Linda B. White and Jennifer K. Frediani

Included Supplements

Key Features

  • Standard organization with a cross-section of information on various approaches to healthy living: conventional, holistic, complementary, and integrative
  • Overall integrative theme shifts away from a primary focus on treating disease to an emphasis on keeping patients healthy in the first place
    • Addresses all aspects of an individual’s health, not just physical considerations
    • Encompasses a variety of relevant, evidence-based therapies to optimize health and avoid disease
  • Over 60 embedded hyperlinks to streaming videos curated by the author to enrich hybrid and online courses, engage students, further prepare students for class discussions, and reinforce or augment many of the presented topics
  • Healthy aging is woven throughout with an emphasis on modifiable risk factors
  • Supportive learning elements in each chapter
    • “Historical Milestones” at the beginning of many chapters summarize how we came to our current understandings of health
    • “Learning Objectives” for each main section preview the material to come and prepare students to learn
    • “Key Terms” help students understand and become comfortable with important terminology
    • Boxed features sprinkled throughout take a deeper dive into key topics
    • “Key Takeaways” at the end of every main section reflect the section’s “Learning Objectives” and summarize new information while it is still fresh to encourage retention
    • “Discussion Questions” at the end of every main head section prompt individual reflection and group interaction
    • Answer guidelines for many “Discussion Questions” are in the instructor’s manual
  • Replete with self-assessments and recommendations for a healthy lifestyle
  • Customizable


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Health Now: An Integrative Approach to Personal Health is suitable for courses called Personal Health, Introduction to Health, or similar titles that cover basic information that reinforces healthy living, improving health, and staying healthy. This course is generally taught at the undergraduate level at most two- and four-year colleges and universities, typically in departments of health or physical education.

Health Now: An Integrative Approach to Personal Health presents and identifies lifestyle changes that promote health and wellness in order to prevent disease. This book covers all the standard aspects of human health, but through a contemporary lens, such as coverage of specific information about transgender health and impacts of climate change. Students learn how personal habits ripple outward, affecting not only themselves, but also their loved ones and ultimately the local and global environment. Not only will students gain a firm grasp of health basics, they will also develop a health literacy based on consulting credible sources for reliable answers to new life and health decisions they will encounter.

New in This Version

  • New section on cupping as a therapy for injuries (Section 2.2)
  • Now includes all five complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) categories (Section 2.2)
  • Streamlined biology discussion provides helpful context (Chapter 3)
  • Significantly updated technology section (Section 3.1)
  • Updated to reflect recent and substantial world events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, mass shootings, race-related killings by police, and social isolation (Chapter 5)
  • Better defines the difference between mental health and well-being (Section 5.1)
  • New coverage of the transgender community and gender-neutral language (Section 6.2)
  • New section on transgender sexual health (Section 7.3)
  • New coverage of consent in sexual health (Section 7.4)
  • New subsection on eating disorders (Section 8.2)
  • New or expanded information on inflammation, weight-neutral perspective in healthcare and inclusive language, more balanced discussion of the food industry, innovation in other countries, new discussion of access to fresh food, added coverage of gluten intolerance (Chapter 8)
  • Key new topics include mental health as a reason to exercise, images that reflect more diverse body sizes, ultra sports, and updated concussion information (Chapter 9)
  • Greater focus on body image and body composition. New information on the “Health at Every Size” perspective, orthorexia, varieties of obesity, genetics, systemic racism, and stress (Chapter 10)
  • New or expanded information on DSM-V criteria, benefits of CBD and cannabis, and MDMA as a treatment option for psychotic disorders (Chapter 10)
  • New human trafficking section (Section 12.2)
  • Updated statistics on LGBTQ+ community (Chapter 12)
  • Combined the previous version’s Chapters 13 and 14 into one chapter, and added coverage of microbiome, inflammation, and antibiotic resistance (Chapter 13)
  • New coverage of semaglutide (Section 14.1)
  • Revised discussion of cardiovascular disease (CVD) to better reflect coverage of diabetes mellitus (DM) (Section 14.2)
  • Expanded coverage of the most prevalent cancers (breast, prostate, lung, colorectal, and skin) (Chapter 15)
  • Completely revamped Chapter 16 includes:
    • New section on environmental factors that affect human health (e.g., air quality; effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns; Flint, Michigan’s water crisis) (Section 16.1)
    • Climate change and health (e.g., Zika virus, spread of mosquito-borne diseases, mental health, impact on indigenous peoples) (Section 16.2)
    • Emerging environmental health challenges such as food insecurity, electronic waste, and environmental justice (Section 16.3)

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FlatWorld Homework

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Instructor’s Manual

The Instructor’s Manual guides you through the main concepts of each chapter and important elements such as learning objectives, key terms, and key takeaways. Can include answers to chapter exercises, group activity suggestions, and discussion questions.

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PowerPoint Lecture Notes

A PowerPoint presentation highlighting key learning objectives and the main concepts for each chapter are available for you to use in your classroom. You can either cut and paste sections or use the presentation as a whole.

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Linda B. White

Metropolitan State University of Denver

Linda Blachly White (MD University of California, San Diego) received B.S. and M.S. degrees in biology from Stanford University in addition to an MD. Following two years of residency training at the University of Colorado in Denver, she taught human physiology for several semesters in the biology department at Metropolitan State University of Denver. Prior to her passing, Linda devoted herself full time to freelance writing, editing, and consulting.
Between 2004 and 2014, Linda returned to MSU Denver and developed and taught courses in the Integrative Therapies Program. These classes include Stress: Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Treatment, Sleep Science, Physiology of Aging, Dynamics of Health, Pediatric Holistic Health, Herbal Medicines, Botanical Pharmacology, and Writing for the Health Professions.
In 1990, Linda published her first book: The Grandparent Book (Gateway Books). She also contributed chapters to Consumer Guide’s The Complete Pregnancy and Baby Book (Publications International, 1987) and Maximum Food Power for Women (Rodale Books, 2001). She coauthored Kids, Herbs, & Health (Interweave Press, 1999), The Herbal Drugstore (Rodale, 2000), and 500 Time-Tested Home Remedies and the Science Behind Them (Fair Winds Press, 2013). In 2010, she worked as a contributing editor for National Geographic’s Complete Guide to Medicinal Herbs and Other Healing Plants. She also was a contributor and advisor for Complete Guide to Natural Home Remedies (National Geographic, 2012). 
Linda's articles have appeared in Sesame Street Parents’ Guide, Mothering, Runner’s World, Vegetarian Times, Herbs for Health, Herb Companion, Pediatrics for Parents, Nutrition Science News, Natural Home, Natural Pharmacy, Delicious Living, Nutraceuticals World, Great Life,, Taste for Life, Remedies, Mother Earth News, and Mother Earth Living.
Linda lectured nationally and internationally, including at the Smithsonian Institute and three universities in Xi’an, China. She appeared on local television as well as CNN and Good Morning, America

Jennifer K. Frediani

Jennifer K. Frediani

Emory University

Jennifer K. Frediani (PhD Emory University) is Assistant Professor, Research Track in the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, adjunct faculty at the Rollins School of Public Health, Nutrition and Health Sciences Program, and a member of the Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University. She earned a bachelor’s degree in dietetics and nutrition (with honors) from Georgia State University, completed her dietetic internship through Utah State University, a master’s degree in exercise science from Georgia State University, and a PhD in nutrition science from Emory University. Jennifer’s doctoral research focused on body composition and dietary assessment in tuberculosis patients living in the Republic of Georgia, and she has published in journals such as Nature Scientific Reports, New England Journal of Medicine, Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, and Clinical Nutrition. Jennifer is also a registered dietitian and Certified Exercise Specialist. After earning her doctorate, Jennifer completed a two-year teaching fellowship at Emory College of Arts and Sciences. Her teaching philosophy focuses on a student-centered learning environment. She believes students learn best when they are actively engaged in their own learning through discovery and purposefully designs her courses to be accessible to all learners. Next, she completed a two-year post-doctoral research fellowship in pediatric hepatology, where she studied nutritional aspects of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Jennifer’s current research involves nutrition and exercise lifestyle interventions using weight neutral approaches to improve health outcomes related to cardiometabolic diseases, metabolomics, dietary and exercise assessments, and clinical trial operations. Jennifer wholeheartedly supports enjoying food that makes you feel good at any given moment and feels everyone should have the opportunity to experience this joy of living without stigma.
