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January 2020
Page Count
ISBN (Digital)

Public Speaking: The Inside Word

Version 1.0
By Constance Staley

Included Supplements

Key Features

  • Geared to public speaking courses taught fully online, hybrid, or face to face. Special sections in each chapter address unique aspects of virtual presentations for class or on the job.
  • An underlying framework composed of the “Four Cs” (Curiosity, Control, Challenge, and Career) enriches the content, guides student learning, and is fully compatible with any teaching strategy or existing class preparation.
  • Each of the text’s five major parts begins with a “Challenge Case Study” about an individual, representative student’s issues in a public speaking class. “What Do You Think?” questions follow these “Challenge Cases,” encouraging students to voice their own reactions to typical student concerns in the course and engage with the material. The case studies set the stage for each of the book’s five major parts.
  • The five representative, case-study speakers deliver one speech, performed and filmed especially for this text and hotlinked to the digital book. Each part-opening “Challenge Case” and the associated short speech reflect key topics found in the subsequent group of chapters for readers to analyze and critique. The online, streaming speeches, which include both strengths and areas for improvement, provide opportunities for readers to practice their listening and evaluation skills.
  • Each chapter is structured around an engaging learning format:
    • “Talking Points” at the start of every chapter summarize learning objectives and orient students to the material they are about to encounter.
    • Short “Challenge–Reaction–Insight–Action” boxes lead off each main head section, posing a leading or provocative question to engage students, prompt them to think critically about the chapter to come, and demonstrate what they already know and what they stand to learn.
    • Key terms highlight important concepts and terminology. These terms also appear at the end of each chapter and as an end-of-book glossary/index.
    • Embedded video links and short evocative or poignant quotes provide high-interest opportunities to stimulate readers’ interaction with the text.
  • Key features, geared to particularly appeal to Generation Z students, appear throughout the chapter:
    • Challenge: On the Spot” mini-articles recognize that much of real-world public speaking is impromptu, informal, and common practice within the work environment. “Challenge” features help students become more comfortable with unexpected, short speaking opportunities and meet (or exceed) expectations.
    • “Curiosity: ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)” highlights important new or trending information on public speaking gleaned from a variety of sources including communication research, industry literature, internet highlights, social media, mass media, and blogs.
    • “Control: Put Fear in Its Place” reveals common speaking anxieties and mentors students on how to reframe anxiety as energy to fuel successful speeches.
    • “Career: WIIFM (What’s in It for Me?)” explains how fundamental concepts are pragmatically connected to the world of work and career success. These features help students understand the value of course material and envision how public speaking success intersects with their workplace futures.
    • “Speaking Virtually on the Job” and “Speaking Virtually for Class” contain advice about how online presentations—now representing an estimated 80 percent of presentations delivered in organizations—possess unique requirements in terms of setting, organization, and delivery.
    • “Insight-Action” features at the end of every chapter help students analyze important chapter concepts and integrate them into their personal and professional lives.
    • Exercises throughout the chapters allow students to practice new concepts and incorporate them into their own speech crafting.
  • Author-prepared PowerPoint lecture slides include hotlinks to online video resources to provide interactive, visual interest for both synchronous and asynchronous online lectures.
  • Liven up online class meetings with this book’s unique “PowerPoint Riffs” slides. Students deliver an impromptu speech based on a pre-prepared PowerPoint presentation. The game-like experience makes public speaking less stressful and more fun, while helping students learn to connect ideas and think on their feet.
  • All supplements were written or reviewed by the author to help new adopters transition to the book and facilitate online class preparation and delivery.
  • Simple integration of homework and test items with the most popular LMS platforms.


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Public Speaking: The Inside Word is appropriate for the Introductory Public Speaking course taught at the undergraduate level at two- and four-year colleges and universities, and it is equally useful in face-to-face, hybrid, or fully online courses.

Public Speaking: The Inside Word covers the fundamentals of public speaking along with the tools and techniques needed to speak successfully in virtual environments. The book is structured around “Four Factors of Intrinsic Motivation” or “Four Cs” (Curiosity, Control, Challenge, and Career). This motivational framework focuses students’ attention while providing a context drawn from the information-rich, constantly changing world in which students live. This highly visual text helps students learn the fundamentals of public speaking—from selecting and researching compelling topics to delivering speeches with power and passion. Informed by current research on how today’s Generation Z students (born since the year 1996) consume information, it also emphasizes inclusion and the relevance of professional speaking for students of all ages and backgrounds. Public Speaking works equally well in any instructional context—face-to-face, fully online, or hybrid contexts—bringing relevance to the basic course for today’s learners. 

Public Speaking: The Inside Word covers the core content valued by faculty members teaching the introduction to public speaking course, and also includes additional compelling features that provide unique benefits. Today’s readers, both traditional and non-traditional, want to know why content with its roots in ancient history is relevant to their present and future lives. Generation Z students in particular have been influenced by lifelong exposure to digital personal devices, the pros and cons of engaging with the internet, and early exposure to economic uncertainty. They are the first true digital natives, having been directly exposed to technology since they were toddlers. They tend to be proficient at separating personal from public personas, leveraging devices to research and learn digitally, and collaborating online. They are also quick to filter out information they see as impractical and irrelevant. By paying attention to such characteristics and serving the needs of students of all generations, Public Speaking: The Inside Word engages today’s students in a personally relevant style that continually answers the question, “What’s in it for me?” and shows readers that public speaking is an essential component of individual and team success in the workplace.

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FlatWorld Homework

FlatWorld Homework includes multi-format questions written specifically for your FlatWorld book, which you can access through our stand-alone interface or integrate with your learning management system.

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Instructor’s Manual

The Instructor’s Manual guides you through the main concepts of each chapter and important elements such as learning objectives, key terms, and key takeaways. Can include answers to chapter exercises, group activity suggestions, and discussion questions.

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PowerPoint Lecture Notes

A PowerPoint presentation highlighting key learning objectives and the main concepts for each chapter are available for you to use in your classroom. You can either cut and paste sections or use the presentation as a whole.

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Test Generator - powered by Cognero

FlatWorld has partnered with Cognero, a leading online assessment system, that allows you to create printable tests from FlatWorld provided content.

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Test Bank Files for Import to Learning Management Systems

For your convenience, we've packaged our test items for easy import into Learning Management Systems like Blackboard, Brightspace/D2L, Canvas, Moodle, or Respondus.

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Test Item File

Need assistance in supplementing your quizzes and tests? Our test-item files (in Word format) contain many multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short-answer questions.

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Sample Syllabi

Sample syllabi provide useful templates to help new faculty adopters revise their teaching plans to match their assigned FlatWorld textbook or lend insights to existing adopters on how to organize their classes.

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Other Supplements

PowerPoint Riff Improv Game

At FlatWorld, we take pride in providing a range of high-quality supplements alongside our titles, to help instructors teach effectively. Supplements are available for instructors who have registered their adoption with us. If you need to review or preview something specific, please contact us.

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Constance Staley

Constance Staley

University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Constance Staley (PhD University of Colorado Boulder) is Professor of Communication in the Department of Communication and recently Acting Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs where she teaches courses in public speaking, professional speaking online, advanced virtual presentations, creating a learning organization, conflict and negotiation, and learning and development. Connie’s work appears in such journals as Group and Organization Studies, Communication Quarterly, Public Personnel Management, Communication Education, and Human Relations. She has published 22 books, including various editions of four market-leading college success textbooks. Connie has delivered keynote addresses at the national meetings of such organizations as the College Reading and Learning Association and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. She is also a frequent presenter at conferences, such as the National Communication Association, and delivers national professional development webinars on timely topics to large, online audiences. A past recipient of the University of Colorado’s Outstanding Teacher Award, Connie was nominated for a CASE U.S. Professor-of-the-Year Award; has worked full time in Learning and Development in an East Coast Fortune 500 company; and was selected as a Fulbright Scholar to teach in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. In addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses every year, Dr. Staley conducts organizational training on embracing generational diversity, building effective teams, managing conflict, storytelling, and effective speaking, virtually and in-person. She also recently led a strategic initiative on her campus to create a ground-breaking, state-of-the-art (Career) Hub for students.

Additions & Errata

Chapter 2, section 3: URL for "Speech Anxiety? Maybe Your Dog Can Help" updated.

Chapter 13, section 4: URL for third video in Exercise: The Power of Emotions updated.
